Top Sirloin Butt Boneless
Product code: 18444
Beef Flat Cut Loin
Product code: 18444
Top Sirloin Butt Boneless
Beef Flat Cut Loin
USDA Select
Excel's Boneless Top Butt is the trimmed, boneless portion of the primal, flat cut loin, after removal of the bottom butt, tenderloin, strip and pelvic bone.
Packaging Info
Distributed FreshVacuum Packed1 Top Butt per bag5 bags per box
Exterior fat trimmed to 1", beveled to 1/2"1/2" of tri-tip is allowed when removing the bottom butt
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Inside Skirt
Product code: C12131
Beef Navel
Product code: C12131
Inside Skirt
Beef Navel
Excel's Inside Skirt lies on the medial side of the costal cartilage in the navel. It starts at the brisket end of the navel end and extends into the flank primal. The inside skirt is pulled from the flank area, using caution not to tear the muscle, prior to ribbing.
Packaging Info
Packed 5 pieces per bag, 4 bags per box
Outside serous membrane, all associated surface masses of fat are removed. The edges are trimmed to expose 90% lean. Flake fat will not exceed 1/8". Channel fat trimmed flush with the lean, hard fat allowed only in channel. Minimum length of 10".
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Cheek Meat
Product code: 515
Cheek Meat
Product code: 515
Cheek Meat
Cheek Meat
Cheek Meat consists of the superficial and deep portions of the masseter muscles and the pterygoid muscles that lie internal and external to the upper and lower jaw bones between the lips and salivary glands.
Packaging Info
Bulk Pack, net weigh 60 lbs
Approximately 75% visual lean.
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Chuck Eye Roll
Product code: 11742
Beef Chuck
Product code: 11742
Chuck Eye Roll
Beef Chuck
USDA Select
Excel's SmartChoice Boneless Chuck Eye Neck Off consists of a boneless trimmed portion from a square cut blade.
Packaging Info
1 piece per bag, 3 bags per box
The Chuck Tender, Cap, Backstrap, heavy connective tissue, prescapular lymph gland and associated fat is removed. Chuck Cap is removed down to the blue tissue, fat pockets are bridged lean to lean. Flake fat is allowed to remain. The tail is removed 1" x 1" from the extreme outer edge of the chuck eye and parallel to the back edge of the chuck. The neck is removed at the outer edge of the seratus ventralis muscle. Steam pasteurization burns are not removed.
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Scalded Tripe
Product code: 533
Beef Stomach
Product code: 533
Scalded Tripe
Beef Stomach
Excel's Scalded Beef Tripe is the first compartment of the stomach known as the Rumen or Paunch.
Packaging Info
Bulk Pack, net weigh 60 lbs
Product is chemically washed. Color is creamy white to pale yellow in appearance with slight pink tint.
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Honeycomb Tripe
Product code: 538
Beef Stomach
Product code: 538
Honeycomb Tripe
Beef Stomach
The Honeycomb or Reticulum is the second compartment of the stomach. It is removed from the Rumen (or Paunch) after it has been trimmed of fat.
Packaging Info
Bulk Pack, poly bag liner, 10 lbs box
No more than 2" Rumen is attached to the Reticulum. Product is creamy white to pale yellow in appearance with slight pink tint. Product is drained of excess water before it is packaged.
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Inside Round
Product code: 16846
Beef Flat Cut Round
Product code: 16846
Inside Round
Beef Flat Cut Round
USDA Select
Excel's SmartChoice Inside (Top) Round is a boneless portion of the flat cut primal round and is the inside portion of the round cushion. The side and cap muscles remain. The gracilis membrane is removed. The inside is trimmed to 1/4" of fat thickness.
Packaging Info
1 piece per bag, 3 bags per box
The external fat cover is trimmed to 1/4" of fat thickness. The false lean covering the gracilis membrane and the gracilis membrane are to be removed. Oyster meat remains.
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Flap Meat
Product code: 18740
Beef flat Cut Loin
Product code: 18740
Flap Meat
Beef flat Cut Loin
USDA Select
Excel's flap meat is a trimmed portion of the Abdominus Internus on the inner surface of the bottom sirloin butt and loin wing which comes from the primal flat cut loin.
Packaging Info
4 pieces per bag, 4 bags per box
All membrane is removed, both sides, Hard fat removed except in channels of the lean where the lean is bridged, the fat is not dug out in the channels, Flake fat is allowable. Ventral edge to be 75% lean.
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Shoulder Clods XT
Product code: 11442
Beef Clod
Product code: 11442
Shoulder Clods XT
Beef Clod
USDA Select
Excel's SmartChoice Shoulder Clod is the large muscle system which lies posterior to the humerus extending from the elbow joint of the shank and on the shank side of the medial ridge of the blade bone External fat surface is trimmed to1/4". Interior fat is trimmed down to flake fat, no false lean allowed.
Packaging Info
1 Piece per bag, 4 bags per box
All exterior fat is trimmed to 1/4" thickness. All false lean (rose meat) is removed when trimming the clod to 1/4". Interior fat is removed to allow flake fat only. Blademeat and associated fat is removed.
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Short Ribs B/I
Product code: 10445
Beef Chuck
Product code: 10445
Short Ribs B/I
Beef Chuck
USDA Select
Excel's Beef Chuck Short Rib Bone-In is a four rib (2nd through 5th ) rib cut taken from the arm section of the blade.
Packaging Info
4 short ribs per bag, 4 bags per box
Trim surface fat to the blue tissue. Channel fat on the lean side of the rib must be trimmed flush with the lean.
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Peeled Knuckles
Product code: 16640
Beef Rounds
Product code: 16640
Peeled Knuckles
Beef Rounds
USDA Select
Excel's Smartchoice Peeled Knuckle is made from a Flat Cut Round Primal. It is a boneless, fat-off knuckle and is a variation of Excel's Regular Knuckle.
Packaging Info
Distributed Fresh Vacuum Packed 1 per bag 6 bags per box
External hard fat removed, flake fat between external membrane and knuckle remains attached to knuckles.
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Tri Tip
Product code: 18641
Beef Thin Meats
Product code: 18641
Tri Tip
Beef Thin Meats
USDA Select
Excel's Special Tri-Tip is a trimmed, triangular shaped muscle (tensor fasciae latae) in the ventral end of the bottom sirloin butt which comes from the primal, flat cut loin.
Packaging Info
Distributed Fresh Vacuum Packed 5 per bag 4 bags per box
Exterior fat trimmed to 3/8" in depth with no more than 1/2" in depth any any one point.
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Chuck Short Ribs 4 Bone
Product code: 10445
Beef Short Ribs
Product code: 10445
Chuck Short Ribs 4 Bone
Beef Short Ribs
USDA Select
Excel's Beef Chuck Short Rib Bone-In is a four rib (2nd through 5th ) rib cut taken from the arm section of the blade.
Packaging Info
Distributed Fresh Vacuum Packed 4 per bag 4 bags per box
Channel fat on the lean side of the rib must be trimmed flush with the lean. Trim surface fat to the blue tissue.
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Rib Short Ribs 3 Bone
Product code: 10348
Beef Short Ribs
Product code: 10348
Rib Short Ribs 3 Bone
Beef Short Ribs
USDA Select
Excel's Beef Plate Rib EXPORT-cut consists of the 6th, 7th, and 8th rib bones and the over lying muscle up to the 9th rib bone. It is produced from the primal navel.
Packaging Info
Distributed Fresh Vacuum Packed 2 per bag 5 bags per box
Lean coverage: lean must cover entire 2nd rib. Wedge fat thickness not so exced 1/2", min 8"/max 10"
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
Ribeye Boneless
Product code: 11245
Beef Ribs
Product code: 11245
Ribeye Boneless
Beef Ribs
USDA Select
Excel's SmartChoice 2 x 2 Boneless Lip-On is produced from the 3 x 4 primal rib. It is a totally boneless rib with the backstrap, blade cartilage, rib cap and blade meat removed.
Packaging Info
Distributed Fresh Vacuum Packed 1 per bag 5 bags per box
Finger-meat from the removal of the backribs will be firmly attached. The lip will not exceed 1 1/2" thickness
To place an order, call 817-491-4800
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